Enterprise Manufacturing Execution Systems provide for the global coordination and synchronisation of people, processes, equipment, tools, and materials.

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are IT systems that help production floor engineers and management optimize the manufacturing process by providing solutions for improving output and reducing costs. MES acts as a bridge between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and process control systems.

Virtual-to-Physical Manufacturing

Realizing the full benefits and value of the Industry 4.0 idea depends on how an organization uses technology to manage and optimize operations taking place on the shop floor. A well-defined system for managing production activities and data from the plant floor is essential for successful Digital production. Companies that wish to compete in today’s environment of rising raw material costs, intense global competition, and mounting worries about maintaining regulatory compliance will need to reduce waste, boost quality, and closely monitor production processes while simultaneously boosting throughput. All of these things are made possible by using a well-rounded Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) strategy and toolkit. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) are the final link in our Digital Thread for Industry 4.0, bringing us from the computerized design phase of production into the physical production environment. With the help of the Digital Twin, we were able to design and validate our product, and manufacturing planning allowed us to determine the most efficient method of producing it. The manufacturing phase can now begin.

Every manufacturing company needs to increase product quality, decrease production costs, and shorten delivery times while maintaining quality standards if it wants to remain competitive and profitable in today’s market. This requires improved and accelerated operations. But how can a manufacturer keep tabs on, optimize, and coordinate all the moving parts and real-time activities occurring in the production plant without breaking the bank?

An MES, or manufacturing IT, is the answer. The backbone of any networked and integrated Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) environment is the Manufacturing Execution System (MES). The WIP on a factory floor can be managed and monitored with the use of a manufacturing execution system (MES). An MES is designed to optimize and synchronize production activities in real-time, usually across internationally spread plants, with the end objective of increasing productivity and decreasing cycle times.

Data from robots, machine monitors, and workers are constantly fed into a MES, allowing it to keep track of everything happening in the production process in real-time. Defects and non-conformances are likewise recorded and followed by a MES, with information on what went wrong, when it happened, why, and against what (operation, material, tool, etc.) recorded. Supervisors have several options once a fault or nonconformity has been detected, including scrapping the item, reworking it, replacing it, or continuing with the process.

A MES computerizes the process of handling raw materials, finished goods, and orders for assembly. Materials are recorded in the MES as soon as they arrive. Materials used in the completion of a work order are subtracted from stock when the work order is issued and transmitted to the shop floor. Real-time inventory levels are available to plant managers.

With the help of a manufacturing execution system (MES), a production order and its associated work instructions can be transmitted to the shop floor simultaneously. Managers at the facility can check the current work order status to make sure everything is running smoothly and on time. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Machine Utilization (MU), Machine Availability (MA), and other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be analyzed and reported on at the end of the day.